The Heart of the Home | Homemaker Poetry Series

This poem was inspired by this verse:

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”

Proverbs 14:1 NIV

The atmosphere of our homes are set by the tone of our hearts. Is your heart bitter, resentful, impatient, or selfish? Is your heart humble, gentle, quiet, and nurturing?

It is by these fruits that our home will either be a beaconing safe haven or a place of unrest and chaos. Far better to adorn our homes with love rather than with splendor and lavish design.

. . .

Homemaker sketch cooking in the kitchen.

The Heart of the Home

By Haley Littlepage

The heart of the home,

is more than a room.

It’s an atmosphere,

an ambiance.

It is an attitude.

But the heart of the home

is more than a mood.

It’s a discipline,

a practice,

a habit of servitude.

The heart of the home,

when led by the Spirit,

beats for the souls,

of all those within it.

. . .

Dear Homemaker,

I pray this poem blesses you. May you know that your home is not defined by its design, but by its hospitality. As the keeper of the home, may the Lord fill you with the fruits of His Spirit in order that your home may feel like a slice of Christ’s love for all those who enter it.

Our attitudes shape the atmosphere of our home far more than its adornments. Cultivate a heart of the home that welcomes, encourages, nurtures and nourishes the souls of its inhabitants and guests.

Follow along on YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest for more poetry written for the Christian homemaker and mother.



The Heart of the Home by Haley Littlepage in her Homemaker Poetry Series for christian mothers.

Other poems in the Homemaker Poetry Series:

Mundane Meetings

The Recipe

What’s Your Hurry, Mother?

Haley Littlepage Poet

Again | Homemaker Poetry Series


What’s Your Hurry, Mother? | Homemaker Poetry Series